An account of my time spent volunteering on shark research at the Bimini Biological Field Station in Bimini, Bahamas

August 05, 2005

Change of Plans

Last night was literally my "last night" in DC for about 3 months. My stuff is in storage, my car is packed up, my desk at work is cleared off, and I'm ready to hit the road down to Florida after work today. So what happens? I get a call last night from Dr. Gruber, the operator of the field station in Bimini, letting me know that a space opened up on a week-long research cruise on the R/V Tiburon to the Marquesas Keys (the ones 30 miles west of Key West, Florida, not the ones in the South Pacific), in case I'd like to join the cruise. "We'll be tagging lemon sharks in the lagoon and could use a hand," he says. Uh....yes, please.

So instead of flying to Bimini on the 15th, I'll be doing this cruise first during the 3rd week of August, and then I'll be heading to Bimini sometime in the last week in August. Boo hoo, right?

This is so amazing - what an opportunity. I can't wait to jump in (literally)!

(PS - This change is plans is excellent for fantasy baseball purposes. I now have an extra week of guaranteed internet access to continue on my quest of league domination. PPP, print out the standings as a memento now, buddy. Your days are numbered.)

(PPS - I borrowed this lemon shark picture from the BBFS website.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:49 PM

Blogger Blast said...

Thanks for stoppin' by.

12:14 AM


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