An account of my time spent volunteering on shark research at the Bimini Biological Field Station in Bimini, Bahamas

August 16, 2005

Shark Tagging Cruise Details

Finally getting some more details about the cruise to the Marquesas. We'll be tagging lemon sharks (see pic to the left) at night. The schedule looks to be something like this:

August 21: Cast off from Key West to Marquesas in early a.m., set nets in lagoon and tag during night.

August 22: Repeat night-tagging. During day, fish for bigger sharks on the flats. Look for horseshoe crabs (separate DNA study).

August 23: Repeat night-tagging. Continue collecting bigger sharks during day.

August 24: Repeat night-tagging.

August 25: Repeat night-tagging. Continue collecting bigger sharks during day.

August 26: Last night of fishing.

August 27: Stow equipment, leave Marquesas by noon. Post-cruise party in Key West.

August 28: Return to Miami.

So, it's going to be a lot of work at odd hours, mostly through the night. But it should be quite an experience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought sharks are supposed to be big and scary? My chihuahua could take the one in that photo!

4:05 PM

Blogger Gregg M. Schmidt said...

Remember - sharks feed at night time swimming!

7:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marquesas...wonder if you'll catch any survivor castaways still strugling to get over not winning the million bucks. They'd probably make good shark bait.

3:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

canes - saw your ex gary last night on 15th and new hampshire. while he was a bit disappointed you didn't tell him about your miami move - and you changed your cell phone number on him - he says hi. baby ichiro say hi too...

5:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dray's Rule.

1:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously! You're job is so awesome! Im so envious! What you do i so cool!

12:17 AM


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